We are excited to have you for this year’s event. Here are some important updates. 3/31
Field Updates: All updates will be posted here. Please REFRESH your browser each time while looking at the updates.
At this time, all games will be played as scheduled. Sat. Iowa will be home team, Sun. Nebraska will be home team. If teams from the same state are playing, flip a coin for home team.
Schedules were emailed out and are online.
T-Shirt Orders: 2025 Battle of the Borders T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies and Towel are available at this link. They will be mailed to your house so there is no need to worry about pick up.
We can't wait to see each State rooting for each other!!
Nebraska Great 8 Tournaments
Nebraska USSSA has been granted 2- Great 8 Events.These events have a new format and are open to enter.
The Great 8 WS Qualifier- April 12-13. (Major/AAA teams)
The AAA/AA/A Great 8 WS Qualifier- June 7-8 (AAA/AA/A teams) in Lincoln Sandhills Complex all turf and other area complexes. (11AAA/AA & A has now been added.) Some classifications may be combined based on total team numbers. 5 game format!!
Both events are NIT's and will use this new 5 game format weather permitting. Click Here to see new format. Lets invite some of that out state competition here.
NEW!! Nebraska USSSA Baseball LLC. will award 1stand 2ndplace Rings as awards to all tournaments that they host. If an age group is split into Gold/Silver or Gold/Silver/Bronze, the Gold will receive Rings.
2020 Nebraska USSSA Reclassification List for start of 2025.
click on your age group for information. (2025 is now official, but please remember, this is a starting spot for 2025)
Nebraska team classifications are based on power ratings, tournament results and by overall team performance on the field during sanctioned tournaments.
Any team that is reforming from the 2024 season must start the 2025 season in the same classification (or higher) than they finished in the 2024 season unless moved by the State Director.
For purpose of classifications, if six (6) or more players from a 2024 team are on a 2025 team, they are considered the same team regardless of the TEAM NAME, MANAGER, COACHING STAFF or SPONSOR.
Any team that won or finished 2nd in the 2024 State Tournament will be moved up a classification to begin 2025. Teams that finished the 2024 season with 1100 Power Points will be moved up a classification to begin 2025 and if they finished the season with less than 500 Power Points they will be moved down a classification to begin the 2025 season. This is meant to be starting point only for the 2025 season. Teams that are in the "A" classification must email so we can move you to that classification.
The State Office and committee will make final classification adjustments around the 1st week of June each season. This should give team’s ample time to prepare for State and World Series. Please note that teams may be reclassified at any time by the Nebraska USSSA Baseball State Office or by the USSSA National Baseball Committee. Team's need to plan for State accordingly.
Undoubtedly, not everyone will agree with classifications. Any team wishing to appeal a classification may do so after playing a minimum of three USSSA tournament games against teams from their classification after January 1, 2025. Once the results for these games have been posted to the USSSA system, a review will be completed to determine if the team is competitive at the new level. Any appeal must be done via email to the State Office.
I would highly recommend that if you find your team in the (1100 to 1200) Power Point range during the 2025 season that you make sure to play tournament games in the higher classification to provide us information in making classification decisions. Otherwise expect a move up.
USSSA NIT's & Global World Series Qualifiers are now worth 300 points.All Tournaments that have been approved and sanctioned with USSSA are now available on link below. Any Tournament that is not listed below is not a sanctioned tournament and does not award USSSA Points or USSSA Power Points for our State Tournament or for any Post Season Tournaments sanctioned by USSSA.
The cost of the background check is $13.50. Background checks must be submitted and cleared prior to entering a USSSA event. Managers must allow ample time to have the background check cleared. Please do not wait until the week of an event to take background check.
If you submit a fully completed, error-free background check application on or before Monday we expect that you will be cleared to play the upcoming weekend. In the event your background check report experiences delays and is not finalized by our background check partner in a timely fashion, your manager account will be moved to conditionally approved allowing you to gain access to our platforms, build your roster and participate in events. However, clearance is not guaranteed, so we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible.
2) PSOA will send a contract and PowerPoint with information on what is involved in umpiring.
3) We offer on field training sessions to teach umpires proper mechanics, positioning, voice and signals.
4) We will help get umpires uniforms and equipment. If umpires cannot afford equipment and or uniform, PSOA purchase the equipment up front and as they work games half game fees goes to paying off the equipment.
Sean Johnston
Nebraska All State Showcase Information
2025 Nebraska USSSA All-State Showcase
2025 All State Showcase Information- Player Nominations come from the Team's Coach. The formula used is 1st place gets 5 nominations, 2nd place gets 4, 3rd place get 3 and all others get 2 nominations. These nominations should be emailed into the Tournament Director the day after the Tournaments ends and the tournaments order of finish has been posted.
Exciting news on USSSA Insurance
Team Insurance for the 2025 season
Nebraska USSSA Baseball encourages all USSSA baseball teams to purchase USSSA team insurance.
Only USSSA Registered teams may purchase this insurance.
USSSA team insurance covers the play and practice of amateur activities in the insured sport, including organized sanctioned activities of other associations.
Accident Medical Coverage: $100,000 Limit - Secondary to any other collectible insurance; primary if no other insurance is in force.
Liability Insurance: $2,000,000 Limit - Lawsuits against players, coaches, sponsors, volunteers and league officials are increasing at an alarming rate. Play with peace of mind knowing you will be covered by one of the best sports liability programs available.
Beginning August 1, 2024 teams can now purchase team insurance for the 2025 season that will give the team coverage for the entire season. Coverage will last from 9/1/24 thru 7/31/25.
2025 ALL STATE SHOWCASE TEAMS (will be shown here later)
2025 Nebraska USSSSA Points Race
2025 Nebraska USSSSA Points Race
USSSA Baseball is awarding the top Nebraska USSSA Baseball teams who have earned the most USSSA Points in each age group during the 2025 spring/summer season. 2025 season ends July 20th.
State Points Race Awards:
The team in each age group with the most points in Nebraska will receive:
Individual 2025 Nebraska USSSA State Point Championship Rings
2024 Nebraska USSSA Points Race Champions for each age group
Nebraska vs Iowa Battle of the Borders
2025 Nebraska vs Iowa Battle of the Borders
Battle of the Borders
*Score Sheet*
NE 0-0
IA 0-0
NE 0-0
IA 0-0
NE 0-0
Battle of the Borders
*Score Sheet*
IA 0-0
NE 0-0
IA 0-0
NE 0-0
IA 0-0
NE 0-0
Welcome to the Nebraska USSSA website
Thanks for visiting the official Nebraska USSSA Baseball website. We are glad you are interested in playing USSSA Baseball, the fastest growing youth baseball organization in the world. If you have any questions, we hope this website will assist you in answering them. If not please contact, the Nebraska State Director. Email me!